High Level Keynote : Ivan A. Gorkovenko Ph.D, Business Development Director Softline PJSC, Rusia, Pada Summit DataGovAi 2024 & Grand Launching ABDI Book (26/11/24)

Our approach. It all starts with a master plan

  1. Evaluate maturity of existing cybersecurity management system
  2. Quantify major cybersecurity risks and bind them to business risks
  3. Define target enterprise security architecture
  4. Build cybersecurity project portfolio
  5. Produce 3-year cybersecurity development master plan to support business goals

Focus on cybersecurity risk management

 ▪ Define detailed cybersecurity risk management process, including risk assessment

▪ Align cybersecurity risk management with enterprise risk management

▪ Identify risk scenarios which concern business stakeholders the most

▪ Assess completeness and maturity of existing cybersecurity control framework

▪ Quantify risk scenarios

▪ Build cybersecurity risk map aligned with business risks

▪ Produce risk treatment plan and accept residual risks to give a priority to what worth it

▪ Define KRIs for proper risk monitoring

▪ Identify requirements for sGRC / ITRM system

Focus on application security

 ▪ Define a solid application security program to cover whole application lifecycle

from business requirements to post-production maintenance and support

▪ Integrate security requirements management and architecture review practices

▪ Design hardened CI/CD pipeline with integrated security tools

▪ Gain visibility and implement protection for container management

▪ Define a detailed findings triage process to ensure priority is given where it needs to

▪ Get legacy applications onboard into secure lifecycle

▪ Assess security of web and mobile applications (including code review)

▪ Ensure security awareness for development teams

 Focus on ICS/SCADA/IOT & critical infrastructure

 ▪ Evaluate completeness and maturity of existing cybersecurity controls


▪ Identify specific attack scenarios and evaluate business impact

▪ Identify restrictions and limitations for legacy OT systems

▪ Design a detailed security architecture, including proper IT/OT networks


▪ Implement dedicated security solutions

▪ Define contingency measures for worst case scenario

Focus on awareness among employees 

E-courses, memos, posters, newsletters, videos, screensavers and others

➔ Development of educational materials on any topic related to information

security for various user groups.

➔ Creation of training materials for specialized areas in information security and

information technology, including administration of information security tools.

➔ Writing cybersecurity guidelines.

➔ Conducting anonymous surveys to assess the real situation regarding compliance with

information security rules in the organization.

➔ Layout of posters on data protection themes, considering corporate design specifics and

Customer’s design preferences.

➔ Creating videos on information security featuring developed characters and in

accordance with the Customer’s brand guidelines.

➔ Preparation of articles/reviews on cybersecurity on behalf of the Customer’s

information security unit (possibly on a monthly basis).

➔ Design of screen savers considering the specifics of tasks and the

Customer’s corporate style.

➔ Construction of simulators and educational games tailored to the Client’s tasks.

Focus on so-called cyber-polygon


  • DevSecOps basics
  • Instruments (programming language)
  • Communications
  • Code Integration
  • Team interaction
  • Agile development


  • How to attack incl through

vulnerabilities exploitation

  • How to build secure infrastructure
  • Threat hunting and vulnerability


  • Investigation
  • Risks minimization


  • Disaster recovery plan
  • Business continuity
  • Best solutions to defense
  • Implementation
  • Recovery
  • Communication IT+IS


  • Business modeling
  • Communications
  • Finance vs Security
  • Roadmap – how to build
  • Efficiency of expenses
  • PR